
Winner of the Lilla M. Hawes Award for Best Local Georgia History

Mayhayley Lancaster was many things through her interesting life: lawyer, schoolteacher, political activist, fortune teller, numbers runner, and self-proclaimed “oracle of the ages.” In this new volume of creative nonfiction, the people who knew her reflect on her personality, her politics, and her passions, offering the reader a chance to delve fully into Mayhayley lore and legend. Oracle offers strange and often hilarious stories of the poor Georgia South in the post-Depression era, and how the eccentric Mayhayley’s charisma and mysterious powers cast a spell on all the people who knew―and inevitably misunderstood―her.

AUTHOR: Dot Moore

GENRE: Non-fiction, History; Paranormal Studies; Biography

PUBLISHING: Montgomery ; Louisville : NewSouth Books, ©2007.

ISBN: 9781603060080

PAGE COUNT: 159 pages