The Troup County Archives provides records management services for
Troup County, City of LaGrange, City of Hogansville, and the Troup County School System.

In order to efficiently and effectively serve record creators, an archival and records management policy has been established to codify procedures. Before transferring records from the originating office, please contact the Archives to plan accordingly. Archives staff must be aware of a transfer before accepting boxes.

Records scheduled to be retained for twenty-five years or less may be packed and stored in boxes similar to the S-6521 boxes sold by Uline. Records scheduled to be retained for more than twenty-five years or permanently should be packed and stored in these boxes sold by Paige.

All records that are transferred to the Archives must have completed box labels.

Transferal Forms should be completed once all box labels have been created. A copy of each transferal form should accompany the boxes at the time of transferal and a copy should remain in with the originating office for reference. Please remember that one transferal form should be completed for each record group or schedule. Please make an appointment with Archives staff to transfer the prepared boxes to Archives’ facilities.